Divisibility (Sample Page)

Divisibility by 2

For a given number to be fully divided by 2, the last digit must be double, that is, 0,2,4,6,8. If it is odd, the remainder is 1.

Divisibility by 3

In order for a given number to be exactly divided by 3, the sum of its numbers must be 3 or 3 times.

Divisibility by 4

In order for a given number to be fully divided by 4, the last two digits must be fully divided by 4.

xyz is equal to the remainder of the yz (the last two digits) from the division of 4 by 4.

Divisibility by 5

For a given number to be exactly divided by 5, the last digit must be 0 or 5.
Note: The remainder of a number by 5 is equal to the remainder of that number by 5.

Divisibility by 6:

In order for a given number to be fully divided by 6, it must be fully divided by both 2 and 3.

Note: As shown in the divisibility by 6, a given number must be divided into prime numbers between them to be fully divided by the desired number. It must also be exactly divided by the product of prime numbers between them.

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